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seismic area中文是什么意思

用"seismic area"造句"seismic area"怎么读"seismic area" in a sentence


  • 地震带
  • 地震区域


  • Our country is a seismic country where earthquake frequently happens and where seismic area is widely distributed
  • Because the concentrically braced frame can offer older resisting stiffness to structure , widely used in the seismic area
  • China is an earthquake prone country , and there are many medium - sized cities and big - sized cities located in seismic area . and strong earthquake is active in next years , m7 and even more stronger earthquake may occur
  • Through seismic disposal , interpreting , instruct drilling work to two - dimension seismic area of the well shu - 121 , three - dimension seismic area of the well shu ~ 103 area in the yushulin oilfield , the paper has proved research outcome , also proved it effective to development oilfield that high discernibility disposal increases interpreted precision of old seismic file
  • This paper is concerned with the evaluation of the seismic resistant dynamical characteristics of composite foundation . the dynamical finite element numerical analysis is performed for this purpose . comprehensive analysis has been made to research characteristics of ground motion and ground seismic resistant of composite foundation to promote its application in seismic area
  • The rectangular concrete - filled steel tubular ( cfst ) composite structures have the special properties , such as high - strength , good ductility , better seismic behavior , and convenient construction , etc . study on the seismic performance of rectangular concrete - filled steel tubular column to steel beam connections has the important theoretical significance and huge engineering values , and also helps to understand the mechanic behavior and configuration of the connection , to promote the applications of this kind of composite structures in seismic area of china
用"seismic area"造句  


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